How should I pronounce Lieutenant Governor?
IPA: /lɛf'tɛnənt/ In Canadian English, one pronounces the first syllable of lieutenant as “left”. This pronunciation is regarded as standard and is typical throughout the Commonwealth.
While the variant /lu'tɛnənt/ (first syllable rhyming with “do”) is heard from time to time, it is regarded by many to be an Americanism and is discouraged. Both pronunciations are attested from the 14th century, though the origins of the difference remain unknown.
What do I call the Lieutenant Governor?
The Lieutenant Governor’s full title is Her Honour the Honourable Edith Dumont.
In conversation, one traditionally addresses the Lieutenant Governor as “Your Honour” initially, and as “Ma’am” in subsequent conversation. It is traditional to refer to the Lieutenant Governor as “Her Honour”.
Recommended terms
The following approved terms are recommended for editors and those writing about the Lieutenant Governor.
English | French |
Her Honour | Son Honneur |
the Honourable [or the Hon.] Edith Dumont | l’honorable [ou l’hon.] Edith Dumont |
(the) Lieutenant Governor of Ontario | (la) lieutenante-gouverneure de l’Ontario |
(the) 30th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario | (la) 30e lieutenante-gouverneure de l’Ontario |
The King’s representative | (la) représentante du Roi |
Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario | Bureau de la lieutenante-gouverneure de l’Ontario |
Lieutenant Governor’s Award [+ name of award] | Prix du lieutenant-gouverneur [+ nom du prix] |
Lieutenant Governor’s Suite | appartements du lieutenant-gouverneur |
How long is the Lieutenant Governor’s term?
In accordance with the Constitution Act, 1867, Lieutenant Governors serve non-fixed terms of at least five years. A Lieutenant Governor remains in office until his or her successor is sworn in.
Who appoints the Lieutenant Governor?
Lieutenant Governors are selected by the Prime Minister of Canada and are appointed by the Governor General in Council (the Governor General acting on the advice of the federal Cabinet).
What medals does the Lieutenant Governor wear?
Madam Dumont has received the following honours and accordingly may wear the following medals depending on the occasion:
- Member of the Order of Ontario (2023), postnominal letters: OOnt
- Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques
Insignia of a Member of the Order of Ontario Insignia of a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques
How can I get a job in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office?
There are currently no job vacancies at the Lieutenant Governor’s Office.
Employment opportunities may be posted from time to time on the Lieutenant Governor’s website.
Unsolicited résumés are unable to be accepted.
What does the term “Lieutenant Governor in Council” refer to?
The position of the Lieutenant Governor is apolitical. This means that the Lieutenant Governor does not get involved in any political activity, intervene in day-to-day issues and decisions made by Ontario government ministries, or advocate for groups or individuals seeking to change government policy.
The term "Lieutenant Governor in Council" appears in many government documents, such as acts of legislation. Legally, it refers to the Lieutenant Governor acting on and with the advice of the Executive Council or Cabinet. When the Cabinet makes a decision and it has been approved by the Lieutenant Governor, it is said to have been made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
People wanting the "Lieutenant Governor in Council" to act upon their behalf should instead refer their request to the appropriate Government of Ontario ministry. If you have already tried to resolve the problem with the Government directly, you may wish to consult the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario. If you choose to write the Lieutenant Governor, Her Honour will forward your letter to the appropriate Minister of the Crown for his or her attention and response.”